No.of listings ‘coming to market’ down by 28%.

With seller listings coming to the market down by 28%, acquiring new listings is becoming even more of a challenge for agents.

Listings are often gobbled up in 7 days, rather than the traditional 4 weeks. This short turnaround time reduces the traditional duration of exhibiting the agent’s much-needed brand recognition.

Because of the squeeze on the agents for a quick sale, the potential buyers now spend less time engaged with the agent, the agency and the brand.

So shouting louder in this short time frame on the listing side, and then again on the sale side of the transaction to get your presence heard.

With up to 40% of buyers becoming vendors, those leads can be leveraged for bringing onboard fresh listings. Engaging with these valuable leads builds your closest network, while also the buyers as a collective help to drive up prices on existing listings.

The other factor involved is that there are fewer people physically inspecting properties. So although there are more buyers, there is less physical contact, and yet also, more turnover.

Driving engagement through online marketing tools for regular, unique and branded social media engagements offer the simplest way to connect. Whether it is to buyers, sellers or those who may become clients. Staying frequently engaged with these leads can fill the branding void, and place you at the top of the agent list.

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